A short distance to the west of the village lies the beautiful Orb Valley with the spectacular town of Roquebrun.

Gorge d’Heric
There are many river pursuits available around here, canoeing etc., and as you can see the river is well used to cool off on hot summer days.
Further up the Orb valley near the pretty hilltop town of Olargues lies the Gorge d’Heric, a pleasant walk well worth a visit.

Aigues Vives
In the hills to the north and west of Autignac, which can be visited en-route to the gorge, lie many picturesque villages. The village shown here is Aigues-Vives.
To the south lies the ancient and fascinating town of Beziers and the famous Canal du Midi

Beziers Cathedral

Canal du Midi
Along the coast to the east lies the port of Marseillan on the Bassin de Thau. This is the home of the renowned Noilly Prat, well worth a visit, and is also a very pleasant place for a harbour side lunch afterwards

Noilly Prat

Marseillan Port

Lac de Montady
Rising from the plain to the west of Beziers is the Oppidum d’Enserune, an ancient hill settlement founded around 600 BC. The site has a museum as well as a view over the unusual Lac de Montady, a lake no longer as it was drained via a tunnel in 1274 resulting in this strange spoke-like configuration of radial fields.