Birmingham Bellydancing Classes 2012

Birmingham Bellydancing Classes 2012

Birmingham Bellydancing classes 2012; Many Belly dance teachers have taken a break from belly dance over the Christmas holidays , but a new year beckons as well as a brand new term which is an ideal time to join a class.

Bellydancing in Birmingham

Learning to belly dance in Birmingham has never been easier now with over 50 bellydancing classes about to start in the new year. You will find classes from Edgbaston to Erdington, to Walsall, Solihull and Sutton all over Birmingham bellydancers are getting ready to dance.

What a great way to get fit and tone up the tummy after all the indulgences over the Christmas period. So shimmy on down to a class near you.

Wherever you are in Birmingham there will be a class nearby for you to have a go at learning this wonderful feminine art form.

Follow the link to the belly dance classes page and scroll down to find your nearest class;

Birmingham and Midlands Belly Dance Association has the names of all the experienced belly dance teachers in the Birmingham area who can help you with your aspirations to bellydance in 2012.

Belly dancers of Birmingham Unite

You can rest assured all members of BAMBA take bellydancing and your safety seriously. These are teachers who have consistently updated their bellydancing skills by attending workshops, many in Cairo, Eqypt, Turkey and the Middle East and bring back the authentic moves.


Birmingham  and midlands belly dance association was set up so that committed belly dancers not only could support each other but the public can know all teachers are knowledgeable in their craft.

Sometimes classes have been set up by novices with little regard to the safety of their students or the livelihood of more professional teachers .

If you fancy trying an online class for free, one of BAMBA’s founders has put up some online belly dancing videos for you to get some practice in at home;

You can only do so much on your own and its much better to go to a class and have the teacher guide you as well as meet up with other bellydancers in Birmingham as you will find they are a friendly bunch and will make you welcome.

Birmingham Bellydancing teachers often organise social events and get together to perform. Join our mailing list to be the first to hear of events, workshops, bellydance festivals and so much more.



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