Beer Molded Our World

Beer Molded Our World

Beer made our world what it is today. Early man was faced with some very dire circumstances in regard to contaminated water. But through the beer making process, he was able to eliminate the harmful bacteria from the water, and make a drinkable beverage to sustain him, and keep him alive. Beer has been around for centuries, and has been a huge factor in how our world has evolved.

Experiments have been done to show just how effective the process of brewing can be for cleaning the impurities out of water. Scientists took water from a duck pond, that was full of fecal matter, from which the e coli bacteria comes, and they tested it under a microscope. They used the same test they use today to detect this bacteria. They found the water full of these micr0 organisms. They then used the water to brew a batch of beer.canada goose sale

They took the malt, added the water, and poured it off into their cooker. They let the beer ferment for one week. When they retested for the impurities, there was no trace of e coli or any other harmful bacteria. It was totally safe to drink.

The monks used to beer to make a fortune in olden times. Lots of people attended church because there you could get a beer. The monks did very well selling beer to the congregations. They actually caused the church to become very rich through their enterprising. So you can see that beer molded our world and had a huge influence in how everything evolved. and was very influential with the establishment of America as well.

Beer has saved man in so many ways. When you think of Pasteur, you think of pasteurization, but you think ‘milk’. But actually, it was beer he was working on. He studied beer to find out why it spoiled. He then realized that beer was alive! It was from that discovery, that the truth about germs developed, and people began washing their hands before cooking, delivering babies, and other activities where cleanliness mattered.

Beer also was responsible for the creation of another vital aspect of our world, which is ‘Refrigeration’. In fact, it was Lager beer that drove this discovery. Lager beer was cold brewed, and at first, the only way to achieve this was to use lots of ice. But ice was heavy and costly to ship. And lager beer could only be made during the season. But once refrigeration was created, in 1881, then it could be made year ’round.

Beer molded our world in so many more ways. A man named Owens developed the first mass production machine, and it didn’t produce cars. The first thing produced with this machine was beer bottles. Not only did it revolutionize the beer industry, but it helped do away with the abuse of child labor, of which the glass industry was largely responsible in the 19th century.

So you can see that beer has played an integral part in the development of our world. These examples above are only a few of the ways beer molded our world. As a fellow American, I say that the best move a man can make, is to learn how to make his own. If the water goes bad again, this will be a life saving skill for many.

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